Car-surfing injuries linked to video games

Dangerous teen activities known as “car surfing” corresponds with YouTube videos and the release of the Grand Theft Auto video game series.

Originated in the Bay Area in the 1980’s, car surfing or ghost riding is an activity whereby a “surfer” is positioned on the roof or trunk of a moving vehicle and is then released, harness to a rope, trailing behind. There have been 51 Californian youth deaths from 1998 to 2006 from said activity which is most practiced in California, Texas and Florida. These activities then increased even more during 2006 to 2008  showing sum 350 YouTube video clips with children and teenagers engaging in car surfing.

A further study showed that most injuries were to males with an astonishing average age of 13.4 years, all of which sustained head injuries and 4 suffered long-term neural damage.

The end result portraying the  influence of violent video games on adolescent teens as there are currently very few laws in very few nations that prevent the selling of M rated video games to minors.


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