Terms of Service


  • “IWD” means Integral Web Design and/or any affiliate which shall supply Services to you.
  • “TOS” means Terms of Service (this document) and everything it contains
  • “Services” collectively means what we provide to you and the purchasing of our services
  • “Products” collectively means what we provide to you and the purchasing of our products
  • “We,” “us” or “our” means Integral Web Design.
  • “You” and “your” mean the person, firm or company who purchases Services from Integral Web Design.
  • “Web Design” and “website” means every aspect of the website (coding, design, modifications, templates, content, pictures, images, text, functionality, illustrations) designed or handled by Integral Web Design.
  • “Graphic Design” means every aspect of the graphic design (concepts, illustrations, templates, samples, images, pictures, text) designed or handled by Integral Web Design.

Application Of Terms



1.2.  A quotation is the only use of the website which shall not be binding but it will come about with any other use of the website or purchasing of any service from IWD.


Web Design

2.1.  All creation of files remain the intellectual property of IWD on, before and after completion of a Web Design project with the exclusion, only if stated by the client on delivery of, any images, references or text documents provided by the client for the purpose of the website’s creation.


2.2.  All web design packages hold a maximum of 15 web pages unless another amount is specified in writing from with the inclusion of a signature via a managerial representative of IWD.


2.3.  All web design packages hold a minimum of 3 website designs and an additional 2 can be produced only if the client requests it.


2.4.  All web design packages hold a maximum of 15 revisions, there is NO exception to this rule unless it included in a quotation document or granted as a signed document of approval from a managerial representative of IWD


2.5.  IWD shall be free to use, disclose, display, create derivative works of, distribute, transmit and reproduce any item from any web site created for any customer or client unless stated otherwise upon the payment of the web site.


2.6.  The client unconditionally guarantees that any from or content whether it be an image, text, animations, graphics or any other form of artwork presented to IWD for the form of inclusion in their web design project is owned by the client or the client has permission or license from the rightful owner of said elements and will hold responsibility and defend IWD and its affiliates from any suit or claim which arises from the use of said elements provided by the client.


2.7.  Any ideas, techniques or concepts presented by the client for the construction of web sites are free to be used in anyway and for any purpose unless declined for this use by the client upon the time of provision of said information.


2.8.  IWD is not liable for any financial loss which results from hosting or domain renewal or registration


2.9.  The service entitled ‘Free Website Maintenance’ is only valid for 12 months after the completion and delivery of the web site. This service only incorporates, (a) minimal editing of web site content, (b) minimal design changes and (c) minimal web site coding changes.


2.10.  The design process will terminate when the client gives the final approval of a web site. This is normally done by invoicing the client, full client payment or by email. All liabilities for errors, changes, or alterations with the exception of 2.7 in this document, become the responsibility of the client, once a design has been approved.


2.11. In the issuing of any refunds, Integral Web Design reserves the right of ownership to any and all content or works presented on the website in question.


Graphic Design

3.1.  All creation of files remain the intellectual property of IWD on, before and after completion of a Graphic Design project with the exclusion, only if stated by the client on delivery of, any images, references or text documents provided by the client for the purpose of the Graphic Design’s creation.


3.2.  IWD shall be free to use, disclose, display, create derivative works of, distribute, transmit and reproduce any item from any graphic design created for any customer or client unless stated otherwise upon the payment of said graphic design.


3.3.  The client unconditionally guarantees that any from or content whether it be an image, text, animations, graphics or any other form of artwork presented to IWD for the form of inclusion in their graphic design project is owned by the client or the client has permission or license from the rightful owner of said elements and will hold responsibility and defend IWD and its affiliates from any suit or claim which arises from the use of said elements provided by the client.


3.4.  Any ideas, techniques or concepts presented by the client for the construction of graphic design are free to be used in anyway and for any purpose unless declined for this use by the client upon the time of provision of said information.


3.5.  The design process will terminate when the client gives the final approval of a form of Graphic Design. This is normally done by invoicing the client, full client payment or by email. All liabilities for errors, changes, or alterations become the responsibility of the client, once a design has been approved.


Ecommerce Service

4.1.  The client is subject to the terms and conditions of any third-party ecommerce solution implemented in their web site.


4.2.  IWD will accept no liability for any financial loss resulting from the use of any Ecommerce website.


ZoRz Pc’s and Support

5.1.  Although ZoRz Pc’s and Support is listed under our ‘Services’ page on http://www.integralwebdesign.co.uk/services/, this TOS does not apply to ZoRz Pc’s and Support or any of their services, products or website. This TOS however, does apply to the page with which ZoRz Pc’s and Support displays their information http://www.integralwebdesign.co.uk/zorz-pcs-and-support/ on IWD.

For information about ZoRz Pc’s and Support and their TOS, please visit http://www.zorzpcsandsupport.com/termsofservice/.



The Use of Free Online Content

6.1.  The use of all free online content which includes but is not limited to wallpapers and website templates is licensed under:

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported



Third Party Links to and from Integral Web Design


7.1.  IWD reserves the right to delete or edit any linked web site or links to its web site if judged unacceptable or violates any of the following:


7.1.1.  Links to / from websites that carry antisocial content including pornographic material and inappropriate language

7.1.2.  Links to / from websites that IWD judges unacceptable

7.1.3.  Links to / from websites that slander IWD or any of its activities

7.1.4.  Links to / from websites that paints the misconception that it has an association or any relations with IWD

7.1.5.  Links to / from websites that do not respect intellectual rights (illegalities and other assorted permission issues)


7.2.  Content from third party websites which are linked to and from IWD is their responsibility and not that of IWD.


7.3.  IWD DOES NOT endorse any link or content posted on its Blog (http://www.integralwebdesign.co.uk/web-design-blog/) or any other page on its web site from users, visitors or IWD itself.


7.4.  You acknowledge and agree that IWD is not liable for any loss or damage which may be incurred by or to you as a result of the availability of any third party or external sites or resources.


Amendments to Prices

8.1.  IWD reserves the right to change the documented or quoted price of any service or provision of external service at anytime during the design and development process with the consent of the client. The change in the price will be reflected in the final pricing for the product or service provided.


8.2.  Prices of products or services provided by IWD are subject to change at any time during or before the design and development process of any Web Design or Graphic Design with the inclusion of additional tasks, products, services, designs or development. This price change will be reflected in the final pricing for the product or service provided.


Supported Browsers

9.1.  We provide an extensive list of browsers to ensure your website is viewable on multiple platforms.


9.2.  If you wish to receive support for more browsers, a fee must be paid which is dependent on the amount of additional browser support that you request. A list of our supported browsers can be found at the following link: http://www.integralwebdesign.co.uk/supported-browsers/.


Ending your relationship with Integral Web Design

10.1.  The Terms and Conditions will continue to apply until:

(A) Any of the material in this document breached and the breaching party fails to correct it within a 3 day period

(B) Both parties mutually agree upon it with the production of a written document and a signature from both parties

(C) The breach is incurable.

(D) The provision of the product or service is no longer available to you by IWD

(E) IWD is required to do so by law

(F) You terminate your web design or graphic design service with IWD with both parties agreeing upon it


But the following provisions will still apply: 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and 5.1.


Changes to the Terms of Service


11.1.  IWD may make changes to the Terms of Service at any time. Changes made to the Terms of Service will be uploaded and made available at http://www.integralwebdesign.co.uk/terms-of-service.html.


11.2.  You agree and understand that the usage of any service or access to the website on the date with which the Terms of Service has change will be treated and accepted that you comply to the edited or additional Terms.


You may also want to review the following documents:

–  Privacy Policy : How we collect and store your information and how your information is protected

–  Terms of Payment : Additional terms for all payments made to IWD

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